Shai Almog

Shai is a developer advocate at Lightrun, co-founder of Codename One, Java Rockstar, speaker, author, blogger, open source hacker. He's been developing software professionally for ~30 years in a multitude of platforms and languages. Shai has extensive experience in the full stack of backend, desktop, and mobile. This includes going all the way into the internals of VM implementation, debuggers etc.

Shai started working with Java in 96 (the first public beta) and later on moved to VM porting/authoring/internals and development tools. He worked for over a decade as a consultant where he advised over 100 companies focusing on Java enterprise, internals, and more.


Getting Back to Sleep as Soon as Possible for the On-call Developer

A walk through a close-to-real-life incident - from the perspective of the on-call developers. We will discuss practical and technical steps developers can take to increase observability in the context of on-call. More...

Distributed Programming in the Age of Microservices and Polyglot Containers

Discussing the current challenges in building and connecting distributed systems and answering your questions More...